Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Christmas in Sacramento

I know this is a month late, but we forgot our camera in Sacramento ( where Ben's family is from). Anyways we spent this Christmas with Benj's family. It was really different for me because I'm used to having the snow, and well lets face it, it was my first Christmas away from home. We spent about two weeks there, and did many things. Christmas day we went to the Zoo with his family, and it was really fun. I love the zoo but I haven't been to a lot of them because lets face it Idaho doesn't have a lot of zoo's and the zoo's they have don't have a lot of animals in them.

I thought I would share a couple of pictures of the Zoo. Here is Benj with a Heina. See we don't have these in Idaho Zoo's.

I just had to share this photo because Giraffes are my favorite animal and they were so cute when we were at the zoo!

The zoo wasn't the only thing we did while we were there. Benj's family is all about food, so when the holiday come around that's all they really do. We ate so many good Asian food while we were there I even got to experience Benj favorite food called zhongzi. Its this steamed rice that has meat in side of the rice and then its wrapped in banana leaves. it looks something like this.

And then when it's open it looks like this.

Its actually really good, but you really have to be open to new ideas, and new tastes, because this is kinda of an acquired taste. 

For Christmas eve we had huo guo  which means hot pot. Basically what you do is get a portable stove top to put a pot on and then you throw a bunch or meats and veggies in there to cook, then you pull them out and eat what you want. There's also this Asian sauce its like a bbq sauce they make with peanut butter sauce almost.

Sorry its side ways for some reason I couldn't get it to turn.

We also went to San Fransisco but I think I'll save that for another post.

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