Monday, October 25, 2010

something to get to know us a little bit better

What are your middle names?

Who is older?
He is but three and a half years

How long did you date?
well we dated for a bit fall semester ( i thought he was weird) haha and then all of summer plus married like like 6 months

Who said I love you first?
Ben did in my basement we had just finished watching The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas which i hate that movie by the way, then I told him he was my best friend and then he said it it was cute!

Who is more romantic?
none of us are very romantic i think we are more practical but Ben does try and be romantic sometimes

Did you go to the same high school/college?
We didnt go to the same high school thanks goodness i would never have married anyone I went to school with, for personal reasons, but we are going to the same college.

Where is the furtherest you have traveled together?
To California, where he is from, but we plan on going back to Taiwan in a year hopefully 

How long have you been together?
6 or 7 months now

Do you have any children together?
not yet but in the next year or two we sure hope so!

What about pets?
not at the moments it hard to have pets while living in an apartment but when we move in a house we want a bull dog:D

Who is the smartest?
Ben is way smarter than me, he is always looking things up and researching things so he can know more.

Who is the most sensitive?
I think both of us can be at times but probably me more than him

Who has the worst temper?
Me Ben doesnt have a temper

Who does the cooking?
I usually cook, not because Ben isnt a good cook because he is. He's just too busy to cook.

Who is more social?
I am probably more, Ben would be totally fine if we stayed home and just spent time together

Who is the neat-freak?
probably me, I hate having a dirty house and I deep clean in once a week.

Who is the most affectionate?
Ben is, haha which isnt too surprising

Who is the most stubborn?

Who hogs the bed?
Ben does. haha there nights when he is spawled out and i have like a little baby corner, Im kind of getting used to it haha

Who wakes up earlier?
I do for some reason I cant sleep in later than like seven or eight.

Where do you eat out at most as a couple?
Probably at Gringo's because I work there, so its cheaper for us, but we dont usually eat out much, we just dont have the money for it. But we would love to eat more at the orignal Thia we love it there!

Where do you shop the most as a couple?
Probably that once a month for groceries at Sam's Club.

Who is the first to admit they are wrong?
He is usually, Im way more stubborn than he is

Who proposed?
He did. It was super cute and I almost started crying

Who drives when you are together?
Ben does usually.

Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
Ben does, our bed is up against the wall and I like to be closer to the door because i get up in the middle of the night more than he does.

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