Things have changed a bit since the semester ended. We got a new apartment and moved in two day before christmas a little stressful but it turned out good we love our new place.We have two bedrooms which is pretty exciting because with all of this extra times i have on my hands I have been fixing it up to look like a baby room. Pictures of the apartment will come later. We also have a bathtub and a dishwasher which is heaven sent we didnt have either of these in our old apartment. We loved Christmas this year, it was a first offical Christmas alone. We went to Sacramento and celebrated it with Benj family last year which was fun he still has little sisters who get excited for the day. After Christmas Benj family drove up and stayed with us for about a week or so and my family came in from Las Vegas and Boise. Having so much family here was such a great experience. My sisters put together such a beautiful baby shower for me while they were here and Benj two sisters Sariah and Zipporah and his mom got to be there for it. We missed Petrina, who is serving a mission in Taiwan.
In other news I have stopped working at Gringos and surprising as it seems I really miss working. A LOT. I am nesting (according to Benj) really bad and have been non stop sewing and other projects our latest project is working on a dresser with my grandpa on Wednesdays (those pictures will come as well when the dresser is actually finished), and we only have three weeks till our little man is suppose to be here. We still cant agree on a name but have narrowed it down to two, with a third back up name just in case. These are the names we have:
Dominick (which is my favorite)
Asher (Benj favorite)
Liam ( which is the back ups)
I will just be happy if he come out healthy to tell you the honest truth. We are already in love with this little man and just cant wait to meet him.
In other news, Benj and I switched majors. Benj is staying with a CIT major ( Computer Information Technology major) and it happy with his switch. I want to still work with Children but not in a preschool setting as much as I thought I would. Dont get me wrong I loved it!! I loved the children and seeing them learn and understanding new things, but just wasn't satisfied with this major. After a lot of praying and researching and an AWESOME Child Development teacher/ Marriage and Family Studies teacher. I have finally decided to go into Marriage and Family Studies with a minor in Child Development. One really cool thing about this major is that starting this fall all of the classes are ONLINE meaning I can stay home with my babe!And still get the degree I want and strive for.
As for my New Years Resolutions, I know they are late but better late then never right??
1. Lose all of my extra baby weight after I have this babe.
2. Blog once a week. (this will be hard one for me)
3. Cook and try new meals on a budget.
4. Be a regular temple attender. ( I have been trying to work on this one for a long time)
5. Read scriptures and say prayers daily.
I hope everyone else's year has started as well as ours have and continue to get better.
Here is a quick 36 week photo for my own sake.
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